1. I suggest that we start our trip by visiting famous landmarks in the city such as the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty.
2. It would be a great idea to explore the local cuisine and try traditional dishes in each place we visit.
3. I recommend that we take a boat tour to explore the beautiful coastlines and islands nearby.
4. It is important to pack light and bring comfortable shoes for all the walking we will do during our trip.
5. I suggest that we learn a few basic phrases in the local language to help us communicate with the locals.
6. It would be a good idea to bring a camera and take lots of pictures to capture the memories of our trip.
7. I recommend that we research the customs and traditions of each place we visit to show respect for the local culture.
8. It would be ideal to book our accommodations and transportation in advance to avoid any last-minute hassles.
9. I suggest that we create a budget and stick to it to ensure that we don#39;t overspend during our trip.
10. It is important to stay hydrated and carry a water bottle with us at all times, especially if we are visiting hot and humid destinations.
11. I recommend that we purchase travel insurance to protect ourselves from any unforeseen circumstances during our trip.
12. It would be a good idea to pack a small first aid kit with essential medications and bandages in case of any minor injuries or illnesses.
13. I suggest that we learn about the local customs and etiquette to avoid offending anyone during our trip.
14. It would be fun to explore the local markets and shops to buy souvenirs and gifts for our loved ones back home.
15. I recommend that we keep a copy of important travel documents such as passports and IDs in a separate place, in case of loss or theft.
16. It would be a good idea to pack a portable charger for our electronic devices to ensure that we have a way to stay connected.
17. I suggest that we plan some free time in our itinerary to relax and enjoy the surroundings without rushing from one place to another.
18. It would be great to book a guided tour in certain destinations to learn more about the history and culture of the place.
19. I recommend that we try to meet and interact with the locals as much as possible to gain a deeper understanding of their way of life.
20. It would be a good idea to try out some adventure activities such as hiking, snorkeling, or zip-lining to make our trip even more memorable.
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