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来源:网络整理  发布者:admin  发布时间:2024-03-24 01:20:18


1、在一个旅行中做决定 彼得,戴夫,托尼 彼得:嗨,大卫,好久不见了。你好吗?戴夫:好。谢谢。我刚从回来杨志游船。这是我的朋友托尼。我们一起去。托尼:很高兴见到你,彼得。彼得:很高兴见到你。托尼。

2、第1次见面的互相介绍.Teresa: ";Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Teresa. I go to the same school as you.";Jack: ";Hi。

3、有关旅游的英语对话1 gloria: i';m glad we took the train. i don';t like to ride in buses.karen: yes, i agree. we can see the scenery better. in a bus。


1、第1次见面的互相介绍.Teresa: ";Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Teresa. I go to the same school as you.";Jack: ";Hi。

2、4人英语情景会话篇1 B: Oh, it’s you, A.. A: Hey, B. Fancy meeting you here. How’s things going? B: So far so good. Look。

3、1 A:Excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the bank?B:OK.Go straight and turn left,then go down center street.It';s on your right.A:Is it far from here?B:Yes。


1、篇一 汤姆: Hi, Susan, when did you e here?嗨.苏珊.你什么时候来的?苏珊: Yesterday. And you?昨天.你呢?汤姆: The day before yesterday. You are on vacation now?前天.你现在是在度假吗?苏珊: Yes。

2、关于旅游英语对话范文篇一 Tom: What’s wrong?怎么回事?Bob: I don’t know. It just stops. I should get off and check.我也不知道,车就这样停了,我得下车去检查。

3、有关旅游英语对话篇一 O:Well, do you like it?老板:怎么样,喜欢吗?E:Gee, it';s really nice. I didn';t expect such a room at a hostel, uh, I mean...艾凡:哇,这房间实在不错。


1、C (daughter): mom, mom, I want to go there.A: why? My little girl?C: Mary has been there last year. She said is really fun there.D (son): yes。

2、有关假期的英语对话一 Simon: Hi! What';s your name?西蒙:你好!你叫什么名字?Lesie: My name is Lesie Gregory.蕾希:我叫蕾希·格利高里。

3、好的.谢谢.关于假期旅游英语对话3 Lily:Hey, Li Mei…I';m hoping to go abroad during the break.嘿,李梅……我想这个假期能去国外旅游。Nice. Where do you want to go?不错。


